안녕하세요 소원들! 반가워요~! (Hello Sones! Nice to meet you~!)
I'm sure that are a lot of you out there who are interested in learning Korean language but never find time or teacher to teach you. So, in this corner, I will teach you some basic Koreans.
Since this time is "Learn Korean With SNSD Members", I'll show you how to write their name in Korean and also their nicknames. Because some of you might didn't know how to write Hangul yet, just memorize it.
(How to write and read hangul will be on the next chapter)
소녀시대 means Girls' Generation, written as So Nyeo Si Dae. Many people confuse this with 소년 which means guy / boy.
김 (Kim) 태 (Tae) 연 (Yeon)
이 (Lee) 썬 (Sun) 니 (Ny)
The 2nd Character '썬' Romanized as 'Sseon' and you read it not plainly 'Sun' but emphasize on the 'S' (because there are double S) and also read the U a little bit like O.
이 (Lee) 순 (Soon) 규 (Kyu) >> This is Sunny's real name
The 3rd character '규' is actually 'Gyu' but read it as 'K' so it's 'Kyu'
제 (Je) 시 (Si) 카 (Ka/Ca) 정 (Jung)
The 3rd character '카' is actually Ka but read as 'Ca' only in this case because 'Ca' in English is read as 'Ka' in Korean.
The 4th character '정' is Romanized as 'Jung' or 'Jeong' but read the U a little bit like O.
정(Jung) 수 (Soo) 연 (Yeon) >> Jessica's Korean Name
티(Ti) 파 (Pa) 니 (Ni) 황 (Hwang)
The 2nd character '파' can also be read as 'Fa' in English. Because in Korean, there's no F and V. So in Korean F is 'P' and V is 'B'.
황 (Hwang) 미 (Mi) 영 (Young)
The 3rd character '영' is read Young. But if you're confused because in Sica's name is Yeo but in Tiffany's it's You, ㅕ can be read as both.
김 (Kim) 효 (Hyo) 연 (Yeon)
권 (Kwon) 유 (Yu) 리 (Ri)
The 1st character '권' is written as Gwon but read as Kwon.
최 (Choi) 수 (Soo) 영 (Young)
임 (Im) 윤 (Yoon) 아 (Ah)
서 (Seo) 주 (Joo) 현 (Hyun)
Her stage name is from her family name 서 and 현.
SNSD nicknames
탱구 (Taengoo) Taeyeon's nickname
식신 (Shikshin) Sooyoung's nickname
Shikshin means the Goddess of eating
힘윤아 (Him Yoona) Yoona's nickname
Him means power
브랙펄 (Blackpearl) Yuri's nickname
사슴 (Saseum) Yoona's nickname
means deer
초딩 (Choding) Yoona's nickname means little boy or similar
아주마 (Ahjumma) Taeyeon's nickname means auntie.
댄싱 머신 (Dancing Machine) Hyoyeon's nickname
고구마 (Goguma) Seohyun's nickname means sweet potato
애교 여왕 (Aegyo Yeowang) Sunny's nickname means Aegyo queen. Aegyo means acting cute.
깝율 (Kkab Yul) Yuri's nickname means something like Dorky Yuri.
[most of the nicknames are in english so that's all i'm gonna tell if you have another thing tell me, i might forget some]
That's all for now :) hope you can memorize their name well. This had been the first Korean tutorial with admin Taeyeon from SoshiNation.
Do not take out.